Based near the stunning Malvern Hills, I am an equine trainer whose aim is to help improve the lives of equines, both here and overseas.

I am a Horse Agility Accredited Trainer and I competed in agility with my mule Inara from 2019 until 2022 when she became World Champion in both the on-line and the liberty leagues. Inara was an unwanted and unhandled mule when I got her who has taught me a lot! She shares me with 7 horses who each have a story to tell... and somehow all ended up with me! I do a variety of activities with the herd, but most of all they are just enjoying the herd life and I simply enjoy their company. I am passionate about the non-ridden equine and promoting that there is far more to horses than just riding. That said, I do still ride and teach riding but in a kind, horse focused, way. I started out in riding schools and gradually worked my way through various ideas of horsemanship until I ended up at positive reinforcement. I am always seek to learn and improve myself, so that I can better help others.
I am based on the Herefordshire/Worcestershire borders but also travel to North Worcestershire and even Somerset to teach. This year I am running a Horse Agility course in Spain at an ethical riding holiday resort and have a couple of trips to Ireland planned. I have a passion for working equines and I also travel to Morocco to assist muleteers in the mountains in using kinder equipment and improving handling skills.
If you'd like discuss how I might help you and your equine do feel free to get in touch.
To follow Inara and her activities take a look at "It's A Mule's Life" on facebook, or Inara The Mule on Instagram.